We have been made aware of a WhatsApp Group titled ‘British Stock Investment Association’ that is purported to be run by our co-founder Nick Train. Please note that this is not connected in any way to Nick Train or Lindsell Train Limited, or any other parties associated with Lindsell Train Limited.  WhatsApp, or any other similar application, is not a means used by Lindsell Train to communicate business matters.  If in doubt, please contact info@lindselltrain.com.

Funds and Trusts


We offer a range of pooled vehicles which are managed with the same underlying investment approach – a focus on investing in ‘exceptional’ companies for the very long term. 

UK, Global, Japanese and North American Equity strategies

20-35 holdings

Low turnover

Investment Insights

Rational numbers

James Bullock

At the tail-end of the 19th century, a small-town Carolinas chemist named Caleb Bradham hit upon an exciting new formulation. A marvellous tonic that served as both a refreshing pick-me-up and a remedy for indigestion, an affliction more formally known as dyspepsia.

Lost in the Supermarket

Madeline Wright

In February 2019 something seismic occurred in the world of packaged food – Kraft Heinz took an eyewatering writedown of $15bn on its Kraft and Oscar Mayer franchises, two iconic American brands that have appeared on the tables of families for decades.

Quantifying Quality

James Bullock

Quality is seductive. Few would complain if you labelled their business or strategy as ‘quality’. But as Mr Drucker (the father of modern management theory) points out it’s also elusive and ambiguous.